Charters to Remember: Bear Charter Service


Recently leading aircraft charter specialist, 包机服务, arranged a charter to fly three orphaned bear cubs from 乔治亚州 to a specialist sanctuary in 希腊.

母幼崽, 谁是姐妹?, were found w和ering the streets of the 乔治亚州n capital, 第比利斯, following the devastating floods in the country last year 和 have been kept in the city’s dog pound, in the absence of better accommodation, 自. 现在, thanks to the help of an animal charity 和 包机服务, they will be better cared for in 希腊.

熊在一个 地铁3 aircraft with veterinary staff on board, to tend to the animals. Justin Lancaster, 集团 Commercial Director of ACS, 他解释说:“熊, 乔治亚州, 莫莉和路易莎, have been kept in completely unsuitable conditions for the past few months, but a charitable appeal by our client has resulted in the funds needed to help move them to the specialist Arcturos Bear Sanctuary in Northern 希腊. Here they will be cared for by trained bear experts 和 be able to live in a much more natural 和 safe environment.

“A lot of the work we do is moving essential cargo for industry but, 不时地, we get to be involved in a heart-warming tale such as this, 和 I am pleased to say that they arrived safely.”

For more information, an interview or additional images please contact:
公关格伦•菲利普斯 & 广告经理
电话:+44(0)7799 692 629
电子邮件: 格伦

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